Sunday, December 6, 2009

Could not find the TinyMCE engine installed at

Could not find the TinyMCE engine installed at tinymce/

The above error message is usual when trying to implement tinyMC editor in

your website. The cause and reasons are going to explain in this blog


You did't download and install the tinymce engine in tinymce/


You need to download and install the tinymce engine

in tinymce/

After downloading->extract and you will have \tinymce_2_1_1_1\tinymce

Copy->paste the folder to sites\all\tinymce or whever you have placed tinyce

The patch of the engine should be sites\tinymce\tinymce

The first tinymce directory is the drupal module and the second is the engine

1 comment:

  1. I nearly burst a blood vessel dealing with this crap. I finally figured out that the problem was with an improper directory structure with the tinyMCE engine. Inside the /scripts folder, there is an extra /tinymce folder which contains the files & folders that need to be in /scripts. So open /scripts/tinymce and copy (or cut) all the files & folders there, back up a level and paste them into /scripts. Now delete the extra /tinymce folder from there. Then it worked for me.
